Senior Rep Application


How it Works:  As a Senior Rep for High Photography you will get the chance to earn back the cost of your senior portraits! You are responsible for paying for you initial portrait session of $150 per hour and $25 for a disc of pictures with copyright release. High Photography will then provide cards to you with your photograph and our studio information for you to hand out to your friends and classmates who are in need of senior portraits. For every card that gets returned to the studio, you will receive $10. You can earn all the way up to the cost of your portrait session back!

Senior Rep Requirements:


  • You must currently be a 2017 Junior graduating in 2018.


  • You must live in and attend a high school within 25 miles of 56560.


  • You and your parents must agree to promote only for High Photography for your senior portraits from the time of acceptance through the entire 2017/2018 school year.


  • Your parent or Guardian MUST sign a model release, allowing High Photography to use your images for advertising and promotional purposes.


  • Pictures must be taken within a 25 mile radius of Fargo-Moorhead


  • The session must be photographed before April 1st


To apply simply send the information below with a current photograph to High Photography at [email protected]


High School

What year do you graduate?

Your E-Mail

Phone Number


Birth Date

Please tell me about yourself. What are your hobbies? Interests? Extracurricular Clubs?

Do you have a Facebook Page?